What’s happening with the service standard?
...standard because it helps them to deliver better services for users. What’s been added With the update we’re planning a name change - from the ‘Digital Service Standard’ to the...
You can find more information about service design on the dedicated Services in government blog.
...standard because it helps them to deliver better services for users. What’s been added With the update we’re planning a name change - from the ‘Digital Service Standard’ to the...
There are around 50 service designers currently working across government. Here's how we set up our community to talk about our work, share ideas and spot opportunities for collaboration - and how you can join in.
...colours components like checkboxes, buttons and form inputs patterns for common tasks, like asking users for an address or helping them check a service is suitable for them We’ve also...
To a user, the definition of a service is simple. For those of us who work in government, though, it can be more complex. Before updating the Service Standard, we need to settle on a cross-government definition of an end-to-end service. So we carried out research to do this.
...This reflects a commitment in the Government Transformation Strategy to design and deliver joined-up services. We need to make sure that the new standard supports everyone in government who is...
...to show what end-to-end user-focused services look like, and what and who is involved in delivering them. We want it to help embed end-to-end services on GOV.UK and across government....
...scope of your service right an explicit part of the standard. To reflect this approach, we plan to change the the name of the standard: from the ‘Digital Service Standard’...
...1. Focus on value A core principle of agile and lean theory is that products should seek to maximise value. Products should not be judged solely on their adherence to...
...time. It’s a useful way of showing the vision and direction for a product, and ensuring that everyone is working towards common goals. Roadmaps suit agile ways of working because...
...people. Today there are 100 people working on it. Some elements of the service, such as Find apprenticeship training and Recruit an apprentice, have been delivered. The biggest change will...