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Posts about the development and iteration of the GOV.UK website. You can find more information for GOV.UK publishers on the Inside GOV.UK blog.

Single sign-on: What we learned during our identity alpha

Person viewing a ‘digital identity show and tell’ slide deck on a laptop.

Find out what the team building government’s new single sign-on solution learnt about prototyping, inclusion, apps and more during its digital identity alpha.

GOV.UK Accounts: enabling proactive, personalised and joined-up services

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A graphic showing the government blazon with an arrow going back and forth to a crown GOV.UK logo, which also has an arrow back and forth to a person symbol. Surrounding the arrows are logos depicting charts, text boxes and tech devices.

...joined-up services on GOV.UK. Our public roadmap shows how our work fits together and what we're working to solve. Here's a quick video that explains it. Our GOV.UK Accounts...