Same name, new ambitions
Same name, new ambitions
A new chapter begins. We unveil the name and vision for the new digital centre for government.
A new chapter begins. We unveil the name and vision for the new digital centre for government.
...paths to map the paths through government services. WALK.GOV linked the emotional content of the services of registering a birth and registering a still birth to desire paths and the...
...with the whole team and we had a couple of really good visitors. We had the Office of the Public Guardian come over who on the 1st of July launched...
...a blog post last summer. This helped us understand how best to work collaboratively with departments and agencies, whilst driving a quick and efficient approach to transformation. The first phase...
Today we’re publishing our second quarterly progress report on the commitments made in the Government Digital Strategy. Transforming government services In 2011 the first challenge we faced was the... their commitments under the public Cloud First policy. The next iteration of the supplier framework - G-Cloud 4 - will be issued as planned, with the OJEU notice published...
Today we published another important update to the Government Service Design Manual to help departments recruit and retain staff with new digital skills. This is one of the services the new GDS Recruitment Hub is offering departments. Increasingly we need to …
...saw a six-fold increase in our Egyptian content, and content about Egypt on GOV.UK, our travel advice service as well, so that was useful to see that people are using...
Following Louis Hyde’s blog post about the Digital Service framework on 9 July, we’ve received a few questions. The framework has been a collaborative team effort between GDS and the Government Procurement Service (GPS) and so Kris Ross, the GPS …
Now that the application process for our new Digital Services Framework has opened, we thought it would be useful to say a bit more about what it is. What's a framework, you ask? It’s a list of suppliers who’ve been … might be dealing with an elderly relative, so to make it a simpler and clearer, faster digital service is a great achievement. We also attended Civil Service Live and...