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Celebrate Global Accessibility Awareness Day with GDS

Global Accessibility Awareness Day with GDS virtual conference 21 May #AccessibilityRegulations #GAAD.

GDS is marking Global Accessibility Awareness Day on 21 May 2020 with a series of webinars about digital accessibility. We're hosting these events in partnership with accessibility leaders across the public sector. Read on to find out the day's agenda, how to join in and how to put on your own events.

Driving better outcomes through continuous support

An office at UK Export Finance.

Transformation is exciting, but can be intimidating at the same time. It also doesn't always go to plan. GDS Standards Assurance and UK Export Finance want to share our transformation journey, focusing on how we got to the point where we are doing the right things, in the right way, at the right time.

GOV.UK Notify is available for the public sector to use for emergency staff communications

The homepage of the GOV.UK Notify service. The header image says "Send emails, text messages and letters to your users. Try GOV.UK Notify now if you work in central government, a local authority, or the NHS." There are links to create an account or sign in if you've used it before. There are tabs at the top to different sections on support, features, pricing, documentation, and sign-in. The beginning of a new section under the header displays. The text says "Control your content. You do not need any technical knowledge to create email, text message or letter templates." There is an illustrative screenshot of adding a text message template to the right of the text.

GOV.UK Notify – the government’s messaging platform – is available for all public sector organisations to use for emergency staff communications and business continuity messaging. This is particularly relevant in the ongoing situation with Coronavirus.

Podcast: GOV.UK Design System

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Tim Paul and Laura Stevens record a segment for the Government Digital Service podcast on the GOV.UK Design System.

For February’s episode of the GDS Podcast, Laura Stevens, Creative Content Producer at GDS, talks to Tim Paul, Head of Interaction Design and Product Manager of the GOV.UK Design System at GDS, about how the GOV.UK Design System works, who uses it, how to measure its value, and other design systems across government. The episode also features 2 users of the design system: Adam Silver, Interaction Designer at the Department for Education, and Emma Lewis, Lead Frontend Developer at the London Borough of Hackney.