Same name, new ambitions
Same name, new ambitions
A new chapter begins. We unveil the name and vision for the new digital centre for government.
A new chapter begins. We unveil the name and vision for the new digital centre for government. landscape for publication, drawing out the implications and thinking about how we release it. The Inside Government team released their detailed guidance format - unleashing 412 detailed guides from...
GOV.UK is now into its second day as the new place to find government services and information, and I’d like to share some highlights from our first 24 hours.
On Wednesday October 17th 2012, our new digital service moved out of public beta development to replace the two main government websites, Directgov and Business Link. It is the... Business Link, three main categories of user need emerged. What businesses are looking for Many people thinking about starting a business find their way to the Business Link website...
We’ve relied on a lot of software to help us build GOV.UK. From tracking the work we need to do in each sprint to managing the logs produced on our servers, we couldn’t build it without using tools that a …
...requirements quickly and effectively. It has been built the way Amazon built Amazon, and in the way that BA transformed their online business, by being agile, iterative and focused on...
If you search for Directgov on Wikipedia, or ever happen to browse through our press releases, you’ll see a version of our history that’s based pretty much around landmark achievements and major events. And that’s fine. We are one of …
Update: we've blogged more recently about the current state of APIs on GOV.UK. Last week I talked about GOV.UK's APIs and how we use them to build and monitor the site. Now it's time to say a little more about …
...the Development team switched to 'skirmish' mode this week. This means that the team is available to work on bugs and tweaks as they come up, and in the last...
We talk a lot about Open Source at GDS. GOV.UK is built on open source software and, to a degree, built as open source software. It's a topic we care passionately about because it helps us maintain our focus on …