Same name, new ambitions
Same name, new ambitions
A new chapter begins. We unveil the name and vision for the new digital centre for government.
A new chapter begins. We unveil the name and vision for the new digital centre for government.
Last week we held our first 'market engagement' event for suppliers interested in providing assisted digital support for government services. It was really popular - so much so that we had to open another session so everyone who wanted to could …
...make pages (and how they are used) more memorable. In short, we've gone from doing what we thought was the right thing to do, to testing how real people use...
...year we published the first draft of the PCAG’s principles. The principles set out, in detail, how the government’s identity assurance (IDA) approach could be configured to meet the privacy...
...IEIS sets out - working with Martha Lane Fox’s Go ON UK and funding UK Online Centres. We can have a greater impact by coordinating this work - inside government...
...want. A critical update was Search, obviously making the changes to Search is fundamental; we did that last week. Mark Hurrell, David Heath, Tara Stockford – there's been a team...
Over the last couple of weeks keen followers of the service manual will have noticed a few changes to some of the guidance. Along with publishing pieces like the assisted digital action plan and the guidance on increasing digital take-up …
In the past few weeks, a small team in the Government Digital Service has been working to make significant improvements to site search on GOV.UK. When GOV.UK came out of beta in October 2012, replacing the Directgov and Business Link …
...common practice in highly navigable web sites but some are less intuitive for writers and designers. Style features that support reading from the web include: repetition of company (or department)...
Last week the Efficiency and Reform Group (the part of the Cabinet Office that includes GDS) announced savings figures for the last financial year. In 2012/13 we helped departments save... Highlights: Savings of £10bn were announced by the Efficiency and Reform Group this week - the part of the Cabinet Office in which GDS sits. Technology and GOV.UK have...