Doing the hard work to make accessibility simple

...versions of all of the common building blocks that teams use to provide online services we can remove many of the problems that teams face. By providing guidance on how...
You can find more information about accessibility on the dedicated Accessibility in government blog.
...versions of all of the common building blocks that teams use to provide online services we can remove many of the problems that teams face. By providing guidance on how...
The slides aren't the thing. They're what make you pay attention to the thing.
...of the people who depend on government services the most so understanding their needs is really important. It can be hard to find the right service It’s worth remembering the... is information on a physical board in the team area. Why documenting work was useful The PIP team found this way of documenting their work useful for a number...
Dave Worley, a digital take-up advisor at GDS, describes how we are helping services across government to encourage users to use the digital service. Point 14 of the Digital Service...
...and provide guidance, for me the real value came from getting departments and services together in one room for some workshops to develop a model of assisted digital and share...
Our eighth design principle is build digital services, not websites. “Our service doesn’t begin and end at our website. It might start with a search engine and end at the...
...default service, and how to meet the requirements of the service standard at each development phase. Researching assisted digital users This page gives extra guidance on how to research the... Join in the conversation on Twitter @gdsteam, and don't forget to sign up for email alerts. Transcript Cath Richardson, User researcher: I'm Cath, I'm a user researcher at GDS....
Joshua Marshall is Head of Accessibility at GDS. Just before Christmas, we sat him down for a short chat about his work. In Joshua’s opinion, the single most important thing GDS has done to improve accessibility across government is “change …