Same name, new ambitions
Same name, new ambitions
A new chapter begins. We unveil the name and vision for the new digital centre for government.
A new chapter begins. We unveil the name and vision for the new digital centre for government.
GOV.UK came out of beta just over two weeks ago. In that time we've released over 100 updates. I want to talk a little about how we do that, but mainly to focus on why this approach makes for more …
...great feedback too. GDS joined the team working with SLC to transform their delivery approach, and it's a real pleasure to have helped them deliver a terrific service that passes...
...Universal Credit. This is the first instance of the cross-government approach to identity assurance being adopted by a major programme so it's an important milestone for us in GDS as...
Warning: This is a slightly geeky post about agile - the methodology we use to deliver our projects. It therefore features quite a lot of terminology. We hope this will be useful for those of you building projects like these, …
...highlight is that of friend and colleague, Lisa Scott. She started out as a content designer and data analyst, but was determined to get involved as much as possible and...
...What have we done? We’ve been working with people from Directgov, BusinessLink and across most Departments on communications plans for the move to GOV.UK and we’ve been finding out what...
Hens and chickens, or breeders and meat? Part of a GDS content designer's role is to choose the best words to explain what a web page is trying to say. It's got to be easy to understand, simple to find …
...register and identify themselves to their local authorities online. Findings Our findings indicate a varied landscape within local government. A number of local authorities (LAs) are looking at the market...
Last week our new digital service GOV.UK moved out of public beta and replaced the two main government websites, Directgov and Business Link. As my colleague Mike Bracken explained at the time, GOV.UK is focussed on the needs of users, …
We’ve already written about how we’ve worked to identify user needs for GOV.UK, so now I’d like to explain a bit more about what happens next - how does a need become published content or a tool on the site?