Same name, new ambitions
Same name, new ambitions
A new chapter begins. We unveil the name and vision for the new digital centre for government.
A new chapter begins. We unveil the name and vision for the new digital centre for government. Mike Bracken sums up this week's Sprint 13 showcase of digital work across Government, with keynote speeches from Francis Maude, Martha Lane Fox and Stephen Kelly setting the agenda...
We are pleased to welcome the Department of Energy & Climate Change onto the Inside Government section of GOV.UK. Alongside DECC, we welcome two other bodies, the Fuel Poverty Advisory...
It’s been cold and snowy. The weather has impacted on people’s lives across the UK, but has it affected people’s interaction with GOV.UK? Tara Stockford and I did some quick analysis of traffic and trends over the last couple of …
Before Christmas, Ben Terrett asked the design team to think of one thing we'd like to change on GOV.UK. My choice was easy; add high resolution graphics to the site so it looks better on high pixel density devices. Rather …
...Lane Fox arrives at reception Rachel Neaman in conversation Francis Maude and Martha Lane Fox before speaking Martha's opening speech Francis Maude's speech Antonio Romeo of MoJ Martha does Q&A...
Another busy week at GDS, including the release of the Transactions Explorer and the announcement of Paypal as the eighth supplier for the Identity Assurance programme. We've also seen visits...
Last July, GDS published a full list of all the transactional services that the Government offers to citizens and business, along with their annual volume of activity. It was the first time the Government had ever done this.
...the biggest services the Government offers its citizens. Taken together, there are over a billion transactions through these 44 services every single year. That's over 88% of the transactions handled...
There’s been a fair amount of speculation as to who else would join the supplier framework for Identity Assurance. We are happy to confirm that the eighth successful supplier is PayPal. As a founder member of the Open Identity Exchange …
...have since.” Aaron Swartz was one of those few. Much of the work we do, and the way we do it, drew inspiration from the work of Aaron and Chris....