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Service design

You can find more information about service design on the dedicated Services in government blog.

Service Toolkit: everything you need to build a service in one place

Service Toolkit page

...very simple way of doing this. Building with the Government as a Platform principle The Service Toolkit currently features links to: standards: the Digital Service Standard, the Technology Code of...

Introducing the next stage of the Service Manual

The new Service Manual homepage

The Service Manual helps people across government build better services and prepare for service assessments. We've spent the past year updating the content and design of the manual. Here is some more detail on our most recent updates.

Taking service design to Parliament

Poster with the words 'good services are verbs, bad services are nouns'

We spoke recently at a roundtable in Parliament, organised by the All Parliamentary Group for Design and Innovation (APDIG). At the session, ‘Designing the next generation of government services’, we talked about why GDS is making service design a priority.