Digital strategy run by a multidisciplinary team of 7 people at the Government Digital Service (GDS). Alongside my role, there are 2 engagement leads, a content designer, a service designer, a...
...challenge and how many people and resources the challenge-owning organisation needs to commit. It also means we’re not wasting anyone's time with fruitless bids. Know what good looks like We...
GDS’s open standards lead Terence Eden joins us on our latest podcast. He talks about his mission to make government more open and the risks and rewards of emerging technology.
We're developing an innovation strategy to help government use emerging technologies in the right way to address the right problems. Here's how we're engaging with industry partners as we do this.
...prepared to cater for lots of interest in your challenge. Find out more about the GovTech Catalyst. Read more about how to submit a challenge and the challenge selection criteria....
...results as sometimes the older version would appear higher in search results. Unlisting older content stopped this. Grouping films together by series We countered content being hard to find by...
A look at the next 5 successful challenges to get funding and the public sector problems the Catalyst hopes to solve.
With almost a quarter of all search queries on Android devices currently spoken, here's more detail on the work we've been doing to meet the emerging needs of voice assistant users and make government more accessible.
...platforms have developed, meant the playbook was due another update. We deliberately kept this published as a playbook, “a notional range of possible tactics in any sphere of activity”, so...
...culture, practice and technologies to central government can make government work better for users. This has often involved close collaboration with local authorities who share many of the same organisational...