One link on GOV.UK - 350,000 more organ donors join the NHS organ donation register. Over 350,000 people have now registered for organ donation via this one link on GOV.UK [since Jan 2013] Via a comment on that... join the NHS organ donation register. Over 350,000 people have now registered for organ donation via this one link on GOV.UK [since Jan 2013] Via a comment on that...
Government services have been getting a growing number of complaints from people who feel misled by websites which charge for access to public services that are either free or much...
...already buy their tax disc online every year. New vs old: The new beta now works properly on small screens So if you're due to renew your tax disc, visit... This week, Kathy Settle, Director of Digital Policy and Departmental Engagement, looks back on GOV.UK's one year birthday and talks about the public beta release of the Carers Allowance...
Earlier this week the the final ministerial department joined GOV.UK. This isn't the end of the GOV.UK story; in fact it's barely the end of the beginning. But today is still a big moment, the result of commitment and collaboration … landscape for publication, drawing out the implications and thinking about how we release it. The Inside Government team released their detailed guidance format - unleashing 412 detailed guides from...
...the Development team switched to 'skirmish' mode this week. This means that the team is available to work on bugs and tweaks as they come up, and in the last... Chris Chant has commissioned a project to test its feasibility. Chris has asked Tom Loosemore, formerly of the BBC’s web operation, to pull together the project. He will be...