How GDS is supporting women in STEM

The Government Digital Service recently hosted three students from Next Tech Girls, a social enterprise that works with girls in education who are interested in a career in tech.
The Government Digital Service recently hosted three students from Next Tech Girls, a social enterprise that works with girls in education who are interested in a career in tech.
...their own actions and also by inspiring and freeing others to bring their whole selves to work. I want to thank Stephen for his dedication, commitment and resilience, and for...
We spoke recently at a roundtable in Parliament, organised by the All Parliamentary Group for Design and Innovation (APDIG). At the session, ‘Designing the next generation of government services’, we talked about why GDS is making service design a priority.
Although we’ve been around for quite some time, chances are you haven’t heard of the Delivery Operations (Del Ops) team at GDS. And if you have, you probably don’t have a clear idea of what we do.
Yesterday, I gave a talk at the Public Sector Show. It re-visits some of the things I spoke about recently, but ties them together with some new thoughts about the future of GDS and the role we play.
Sarah Richards is Head of Content Design at GDS. We sat down with her recently to ask some simple questions: What is content design? What difference does it make?
GDS is building a reputation for creating a digital government based on user need. We’re transforming digital services, opening up government, and building skills and capability in government. Together we have designed and delivered the award-winning digital platform of GOV.UK. … mark the First World War Centenary. Over on the Inside Gov blog, Sarah Richards talks about style guidance. And finally, this week the Northern Lights were visible in some...
Last year our boss Mike Bracken talked at the Code for America Summit in San Francisco, and spoke about the need to strike a balance between usability and security. There is a point beyond which over-zealous security gets in the … day. And that's really what Govcamp was about. Lizzie Bell, Ofsted UKGovcamp is an amazing opportunity to meet like-minded people and also to meet people outside the kind of...