Fail them faster
The other day, while driving along a local shortcut, I was faced with a ‘road closed’ sign and had to u-turn. Beyond the sign, there was no road where road had been yesterday.
The other day, while driving along a local shortcut, I was faced with a ‘road closed’ sign and had to u-turn. Beyond the sign, there was no road where road had been yesterday.
...up implementation phase one with Google and today it's browse analysis. I'm going to try and get out all the data I need so I can start working on it...
I’ve recently been embedded with the Inside Government team to work on understanding user behaviour through data analysis. One of my first tasks was to investigate the way that policies are being used and to identify any interesting or notable …
Launched on 17 October 2012, GOV.UK has just celebrated 6 months of being live. In that time it's received 188 million visits and 546 million pageviews; and over 9 million searches have been made on the site. But what was …
...highly, we thought it would be interesting to identify the top 10 most visited publications, which are: /government/publications/hs2-revised-line-of-route-maps - 91,197 page views /government/publications/high-speed-rail-investing-in-britains-future-phase-two-the-route-to-leeds-manchester-and-beyond - 25,702 /government/publications/national-planning-policy-framework--2 - 23,770 /government/publications/50-ways-to-save-examples-of-sensible-savings-in-local-government -...
Earlier this year James Weiner and Ben Welby wrote about the browsers and devices that we are supporting on GOV.UK. We made these decisions using browser/device data from various sources including Directgov, BusinessLink, central government departments and several other big sites. …
We’ve been monitoring the volume of traffic to GOV.UK since launch. We want to ensure that the people who used to rely on Directgov and Business Link can still find the reliable and authoritative information and services they need. As the GOV.UK dashboard …
We share learnings we got from analytics about what people are doing when visiting government web pages.