Same name, new ambitions
Same name, new ambitions
A new chapter begins. We unveil the name and vision for the new digital centre for government.
A new chapter begins. We unveil the name and vision for the new digital centre for government.
...we're clear on what we're trying to do, the definition should be a doddle, right? Not so. We first set out over a year ago by providing a definition and...
Last week, Don Thibeau, Chairman and Director at large of Open Identity Exchange (OIX) , and Executive Director of The OpenID Foundation paid a visit to the UK. Recognising common issues around fraud and identity, he discussed the need for a ‘team … can't design well unless you've put the effort into getting the brief right. If a bad digital service looks great, it's still a bad digital service. It's essential we...
...if we share it. As ever we'd love to hear your feedback, specifically what you think is useful, and what you'd like to see included in further versions. You can...
Mention the word "API" to the wrong audience and blank looks shortly follow. For the uninitiated, an API, or "Application Programming Interface", is a way for one computer to use information or services held on another computer, often across the …
...code from the off. Working with my colleagues, we have introduced this technique to the design process of GOV.UK in reaction to the rapid development cycles and number of iterations...
...deliverables like, that will be real transformative change. And, as Mike says, beautiful too. About the author: Rachel Neaman is the Digital Leader for the Department of Health...
...mandate to deliver on Martha Lane Fox’s vision for digital public services. Now that mandate is reinforced by Government, with the commitment to our agenda set out in the budget...
As Product Analytics Lead at the Government Digital Service, one of my interests is how effectively people are finding government information and where they are finding it. I recently read the post on Government in the Lab; Social Media Drives …
The Cabinet Office Identity Assurance Programme (based in the Government Digital Service) aims to help users transact digitally with public services through convenient & secure login mechanisms. Behind this simple objective lies a complex problem: how to ensure the user …