Posts about the digital transformation work GDS and the wider government is undertaking.
Over the last couple of weeks keen followers of the service manual will have noticed a few changes to some of the guidance. Along with publishing pieces like the assisted digital action plan and the guidance on increasing digital take-up …
The Government Digital Strategy says that all new or redesigned digital services will meet the Digital by Default Service Standard from April 2014. Before then, GDS is using the standard to support the Cabinet Office spending controls, to deepen knowledge of …
One of the updates we’ve made to the Government Service Design Manual is to add video case studies. Video has been one of the best methods we’ve found for quickly and candidly sharing what it’s like to work on a …
Stephen Kelly, Chief Operating Officer for Government, writes about SPRINT 13. Last week I was delighted to participate in SPRINT 13 the cross government digital event organized by GDS. It was great to see so many colleagues from all over …
...the chance to listen to major speakers set out the digital future for Government including keynote speeches from: Francis Maude - Minister for the Cabinet Office Martha Lane Fox -...
...our leading transactions, I believe that these strategies have real weight because of the reputation for delivery which precedes them. Image by Paul Clarke Delivery Highlights 2011 May: GOV.UK Alpha...
A few weeks ago I wrote a post detailing the technical side of the Government Digital Strategy. One of the things I spoke about was how we were keen to...
I’m Andrew Francis and I’m a policy professional. So is my colleague Sheila Bennett. You might not have heard much from our profession here on the GDS blog recently, but...
As you know, today we launched the Government Digital Strategy. I’m part of the team that was tasked with putting these documents online, and from the outset we wanted to...
I've talked before about various aspects of how we build software at GDS, and especially for GOV.UK, but I'd like to take a step back and about one of our early design rules: "tools over content".