Digital's place in the diplomatic toolkit
...and amplifying consular messages to British nationals, to engaging audiences on tough foreign policy issues, to using digital channels to seek views as we formulate policy. As well as producing...
...and amplifying consular messages to British nationals, to engaging audiences on tough foreign policy issues, to using digital channels to seek views as we formulate policy. As well as producing... in government. We’ve had queries from other countries too about our approach, and I recently Skyped into a conference that the Dutch Government were hosting to talk how they...
Over the last couple of weeks we’ve been visiting some of the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) operations staff, who have given us really useful feedback about GOV.UK.
In the process of making mistakes, there is an opportunity to learn a lot, but not just for the person or team making the mistakes. Louise Kidney, Digital Engagement Lead, shares some of the learning from the Digital Engagement Team …
...recognise that there are many companies who do not meet the strict definition of SME but should nevertheless be given the opportunity to showcase their work. ‘Why these companies?’ -...
The Civil Service Reform (CSR) plan talks a lot about the need for open policy making - a more inclusive approach to developing government policy that engages people who have simply not had the opportunity to participate in policy discussions … the time. If we’re going to get this right, we need your help. We want to hear from those in government who are involved in policy-making, digital communication, frontline...
...DSA) for their amazingly hard work in making the video happen. Bringing results Well, see for yourself. If you can’t see the video above because of your network settings,...
To coincide with the recent release of the next iteration of GOV.UK, Louise Kidney, Digital Engagement Lead explains why we are changing the name of our Twitter account and what you can expect to see from the renamed @GDSTeam Twitter …
On Wednesday 4th July, GDS ran a 30 minute workshop called 'Social media guidelines: So what?' at Civil Service Live. In a slightly departure from the usual presentation style at Civil Service Live, we decided to mix things up. Louise …