The benefits of coding in the open

...This promotes a common culture and way of working when you can see how other teams manage certain issues. Anna Shipman (left) Quite often, teams will make small improvements to...
...This promotes a common culture and way of working when you can see how other teams manage certain issues. Anna Shipman (left) Quite often, teams will make small improvements to...
...prototypes and operational proofs of concept using the GDS frontend toolkit. These helped us test functionality and determine if the service was technically viable. We developed an operating model to...
...Prisons and Probations Service has taken to set up data science and analytics capability. Our colleagues from Defence Science and Technology Laboratory spoke about how they’re embracing open source and...
...difficult to keep it up to date. Out of date data can lead to a poor service experience. So data specialists advocate fetching data from reliable sources using automated services...
...make savings in the heart of government, the lessons learnt can be applied and borrowed to help elsewhere. Whether that may be healthcare or local councils or other areas entirely....
...identified 3 main useful metrics: the breakdown of transactions per channel, the number of unique users for a service, and the reason a user contacts a service or has to...
When designing services or creating content, we always start by thinking about user needs. We create registers in the same way.
Data science techniques at the heart of government transformation Data literacy has a vital role to play in developing government policy and in delivering services that meet the needs of...
The government will provide up to £5 million to develop options for an authoritative address register that is open and freely available.
Louise Auger from the Home Office and Anna Wojnarowska from GDS are user researchers who are working together to look at technology transition projects across government.