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Three months on – Inside Government’s traffic, demand and engagement in numbers

...highly, we thought it would be interesting to identify the top 10 most visited publications, which are: /government/publications/hs2-revised-line-of-route-maps - 91,197 page views /government/publications/high-speed-rail-investing-in-britains-future-phase-two-the-route-to-leeds-manchester-and-beyond - 25,702 /government/publications/national-planning-policy-framework--2 - 23,770 /government/publications/50-ways-to-save-examples-of-sensible-savings-in-local-government -...

Inside Government - traffic, demand and engagement numbers so far

...visits to GOV.UK, which is possibly due to the desk-based professional-practitioner nature of Inside Government’s user base. We've been curious to know what content users come to Inside Government for....