You can find more information about data on the dedicated Data in government blog.
At GDS we iterate. One of the key contributions to that iteration is the post change checking to make sure that the users needs truly have been met and that the rules of the game have not changed. Peter Jordan, …
Every year, central and local government serve citizens and businesses through one and a half billion transactions.
At GDS we’re using search data to inform every aspect of content production. It’s no dry data analysis though, search logs reveal surprising insights about what people really want. Lana Gibson, Product Analyst at GDS, explains how understanding search behaviour …
...Understand user needs & business objectives: Who uses performance information in your organisation? What are they interested in? Decide what to measure and how to measure it: What measures indicate...
An understanding of how cookies work is the first step in helping people to make informed decisions about the impact of these technologies on their online privacy.
As Product Analytics Lead at the Government Digital Service, one of my interests is how effectively people are finding government information and where they are finding it. I recently read the post on Government in the Lab; Social Media Drives …
...insight into users’ needs and an opportunity to identify intent. Suggested search results on Google and Directgov As well as being high volume and current, search data is also unfiltered:...
I am Nick Breeze, one of the Senior Insight Managers at GDS and I work in the team responsible for testing content being developed for Recently we completed quantitative usability testing to compare the performance of content and layout … inform interaction design. The test is administered when a service is live or at the end of the design iteration cycle (but pre-build) for new services. How it works...