Welcoming Iain Patterson back to GDS

I’m pleased to announce that Iain Patterson will be returning to GDS in the new year as Director of Common Technology Services (CTS).
I’m pleased to announce that Iain Patterson will be returning to GDS in the new year as Director of Common Technology Services (CTS).
One of our design principles at GDS is “Make things open: it makes them better.” Since GDS was set up in 2012, working in the open has been a big part of who we are. It’s great for us to …
On my recent trip to Korea, I was hugely impressed by the technological innovation on display and by the progress on the digital development of the public sector. That why it was a pleasure yesterday to see GDS host a …
We set up an Open Standards Board last April to help us decide which open standards to use in government technology. Selecting and implementing open standards will make our services better and give us more flexibility in choosing our suppliers. …
We announced in March that we would reform the governance of our technology provision in central government. We need a simpler, clearer model of governance based on user needs. Those users are our colleagues as well as citizens and this …
Today we are releasing a further iteration of the Government Service Design Manual. We’ve updated this with more guidance for service managers and, for the first time, information for Chief Technology Officers on how government is rebalancing its approach to …
In the Open Standards Principles we said that we'd set up an Open Standards Board to help us to decide which open standards to use in government IT. Now that we've published the first 8 challenges on the Standards Hub, …
You might think that we’ve gone a little quiet since we published the Open Standards Principles last November, but we’ve been working hard on getting together the processes and the people to lead on some of the open standards challenges …
In 2010 the Prime Minister established the Northern Future Forum (NFF) with a different angle on the typical international summit. Instead of the usual set piece speeches and behind-the-scenes trading, NFF is a forum for leaders to learn from experts …
A year ago today we launched the first G-Cloud framework and started the journey to provide a new way for the public sector to commission and buy technology-based services. And what a journey it’s been.
We are the digital centre of government. We serve the public, central government departments and the wider public sector.
If you’re interested in joining us, check out all open opportunities on the GDS careers site.