This week we welcome the Department for Education and HM Treasury to GOV.UK. Launch of Department for Education DfE is the 22nd department to move to the Inside Government section of GOV.UK. The department joins Inside Government with 1,546 publications, …
...ministerial departments that have moved their corporate information to GOV.UK up to 20, leaving just 4 more to go. This is fantastic progress and we’d like to thank colleagues in...
This week we have welcomed four new departments to the Inside Government section of GOV.UK: Department for International Development, Department of Health, Home Office and Wales Office.
...clearer, faster Worldwide takes over from some long established and well-used sites and attempts to tackle a number of challenges troubling those sites by making them simpler, clearer and faster....
...15 November 2012, we wanted to share some more figures and pick out a few trends. Cross site traffic As of 30 January 2013, the Inside Government section of GOV.UK...
We are pleased to welcome the Department of Energy & Climate Change onto the Inside Government section of GOV.UK. Alongside DECC, we welcome two other bodies, the Fuel Poverty Advisory...
...most popular pages, there are three specific policies alongside two publications and one news item. There are also three topics in the top 20, which is another Inside Government innovation,...
...of Inside Government have been designed for use by everyone and anyone in the UK (and beyond). Inside Government must have this broad appeal and application because it will be...
...were asked how many government websites they visited for news. Just under half (49%) said they visited between 1 - 5 sites, 35% said they only ever visited one, while...