Liam Maxwell and IT Reform Group join GDS
...department is about to publish its own digital strategy, forming the roadmap for service transformation over the next year. This will create a new generation of digital public services where...
...department is about to publish its own digital strategy, forming the roadmap for service transformation over the next year. This will create a new generation of digital public services where... the child maintenance calculator and been talking to the content and analytics teams about making some improvements to page slugs. All of that took place after a bit a...
...on GOV.UK. In between working the same magic for departmental websites the team responsible have done a lot to tidy those tools and their repositories up, and next week Anna...
...Assisted Digital Strategy, on the Digital By Default Standard on trailblazer transactions and the IDA team are doing user research on some wireframes. And we’re digging into the planning for...
...its release, and pushed out an updated version of the Child Benefit Tax Calculator this week. Screenshot of the Child Benefit Tax Calculator On Wednesday the Communications team met with...
On Wednesday October 17th 2012, our new digital service moved out of public beta development to replace the two main government websites, Directgov and Business Link. It is the... one of the first official Government data hack days after the alpha launch of and later hosting the site’s full launch at the Guardian in January 2010. Mike...