...visits to GOV.UK, which is possibly due to the desk-based professional-practitioner nature of Inside Government’s user base. We've been curious to know what content users come to Inside Government for....
...the next phase of Inside Government. John Turnbull from BIS blogged about some of that work earlier in the week, as did Paola Wright from the MOD. Thanks John and...
The department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) has been working with GDS since before GDS existed to help get department websites ready for the move to GOV.UK. John Turnbull...
Janet wrote recently about how we're presenting policy differently on Inside Government, but what does that mean for individual departments? Paola Wright, Online Policy Desk Officer for the Ministry of...
Today we released Inside Government, bringing together all the corporate and policy information of 2 ministerial departments (out of a total 24) and 3 smaller public bodies (out of the hundreds of agencies and other bodies who will later be …
...people to find out what’s happening inside government. Announcements, publications, speeches and other corporate information will be presented clearly and consistently. People can search by topic or department to find...
...of Inside Government have been designed for use by everyone and anyone in the UK (and beyond). Inside Government must have this broad appeal and application because it will be...
As departments move from publishing on separate websites to publishing on GOV.UK, each of them will be contributing to a comprehensive set of web pages that explain government policies clearly, consistently, and all in one place. Doing this is difficult, …
At GDS we intend the web to be the primary platform for publishing things like policy, speeches and detailed guidance, with any print documents taking a supporting role. As a consequence legibility online becomes hugely important, because the reader will …
Getting departments and agencies ready for the move to GOV.UK isn’t just a job for GDS. John Ploughman, Digital Communication Manager for the Driving Standards Agency, talks about what it’s...