Benefits of diversity
...for the job and we also allow ourselves to increase our scale of operation by having different people or teams work on something independently. The advantages and challenges of code...
...for the job and we also allow ourselves to increase our scale of operation by having different people or teams work on something independently. The advantages and challenges of code...
...the European Common Assessment Methodology for Standards and Specifications as a starting point for the criteria to be used by advisory panels and challenge owners when assessing challenge proposals. The...
Last Friday Rebecca Kemp, Joshua Marshall and I visited the opening of the ‘Design that Makes a Difference’ exhibition at the Royal College of Art. Josh is our accessibility lead and Rebecca leads the Assisted Digital programme. Organised as a …
The first thing you see when you walk into GDS is the 7 main messages which guided the build of the GOV.UK alpha. Visitors to GDS often scribble them down, and like our Design Principles they help provide a shared language for …
The Government Digital Service started out as a small group of people with experience building and running large online services. Since then we’ve grown the team, added lots of smart people, and talked to even more experts from other organisations. …
Today we launched the Government Service Design Manual. It sets out the agreed Digital by Default Service Standard, and provides tools, guidance and code to help teams across government achieve it. It meets one of our 14 commitments in the …
In the Open Standards Principles we said that we'd set up an Open Standards Board to help us to decide which open standards to use in government IT. Now that we've published the first 8 challenges on the Standards Hub, …
...Government Service Design Manual to find out what services need to do to achieve the Digital by Default Service Standard. (And feel free to feed back to us where you...
...progress in three areas: improving the user’s experience of the service, reducing running costs, and shifting people towards using the digital channel. The GDS design principles provided us with a...
...moving in the right direction. But it’s also a helpful reminder of the work we still need to do to support those who are less able to use online services....