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We're already talked about why we chose Amazon Web Services for hosting the beta of GOV.UK, and how we approached some of the decisions that came with it. Cloud hosting gives us the flexibility to rapidly iterate our infrastructure as …
All of the editorial content on GOV.UK is available in full via an API. It's the same API we use to communicate between the editorial tools and the apps that produce the pages you see. As I said several months … decisions such as image resizing, touchscreen features, etc. as appropriate. It’s also pretty handy for optimising the web page on non-maximised browsers and for tablet and smartphone users who...
Our goal is to make GOV.UK the best designed, most accessible Government website to date. To realise this aim we maintain a relentless focus on user need, therefore what browser...
...could send out reminder messages for jobseeker interviews and hospital appointments. Other uses include: Bulk messaging - to distribute information to segmented groups. e.g. the system can send out instant...
This is a guest post from Alice Newton from the Innovation Team at GDS, Cabinet Office This morning David Cameron went to East London to mark a year of government support for Tech City, a cluster of tech, digital and … work together by levelling the playing field for all IT suppliers. This won't happen overnight and we won't get it right first time. This is new territory for many...
Last weekend, I attended the closing session of a Parliamentary hack day run with Rewired State as part of Parliament Week 2011, a week of activities to engage with the public and encourage them to get involved in the UK's …
...change will affect different people from permanent secretary through to front line staff and from big systems integrators to niche suppliers. A new and exciting journey is about to begin....
Last Thursday, Chris Chant gave a talk at a cloud-computing event kindly hosted by the Institute for Government in London. Chris is an Executive Director in the Cabinet Office working as Programme Director for the G-Cloud initiative, and spoke about …