With the number of ministerial departments, public bodies and agencies on Inside Government increasing each month and features being released or adjusted daily, it is important to gauge the success of each iteration. That way, we can make sure that …
Cabinet Office has become the ninth department to move its corporate and policy information to GOV.UK. The Cabinet Office move brings with it the Offices of the Leaders of the Houses of Commons and Lords, two ministerial departments in their …
...highly, we thought it would be interesting to identify the top 10 most visited publications, which are: /government/publications/hs2-revised-line-of-route-maps - 91,197 page views /government/publications/high-speed-rail-investing-in-britains-future-phase-two-the-route-to-leeds-manchester-and-beyond - 25,702 /government/publications/national-planning-policy-framework--2 - 23,770 /government/publications/50-ways-to-save-examples-of-sensible-savings-in-local-government -...
At GDS we realise how important it is to build government services by understanding the needs of the people who use them. One of the most useful ways of doing this is by testing products with end users, and remote …
We are pleased to welcome the Department of Energy & Climate Change onto the Inside Government section of GOV.UK. Alongside DECC, we welcome two other bodies, the Fuel Poverty Advisory...
...expecting an increase in traffic over the coming months, but each department is unique so this increase won’t always be the same. Top policies Top policies viewed on Inside Government...
...Pauline said, this list will change over time. As organisations and their remits change, we'll amend the list. But what does this mean for those agencies and Arm's Length Bodies...
...are part of. Finally, I’d like to wish a very happy birthday to Norm, who proved an excellent Master of Ceremonies at the GDS Christmas Quiz on Tuesday. Well-dressed too......
It’s been a whole month since the Departments for Transport and Communities and Local Government moved over to GOV.UK. That kicked off a process which will see around 300 departments and agencies joining the site by April 2014. Today 11 …
...design and efficiency of how we handle controls and help departments to see the flow of requests. Next week the Inside Government team will be adding four new departments to...