Same name, new ambitions
Same name, new ambitions
A new chapter begins. We unveil the name and vision for the new digital centre for government.
A new chapter begins. We unveil the name and vision for the new digital centre for government.
A couple of weeks ago we introduced you to the Hosting and Infrastructure team. Now it's time to meet the Finance team. A big thanks to Andy, Ezinne and...
From October the 17th GOV.UK will replace Directgov and Business Link as the best place to find government services and information, but what will that actually mean for people following links for these sites, or visiting bookmarked pages?
It's taken a very different kind of team to build GOV.UK than the one most people picture when they think of web developers. Even within the tech industry, some stereotypes don't fit with the kind of people we've needed.
In January James Weiner wrote a little about the browsers we support and during the summer we revisited that question to decide which operating systems, screen sizes and devices we would support at launch. As with all things on GOV.UK we’ll …
We talk a lot about agile here at GDS. We use agile methodologies to focus on our users. The faster we can build a functioning product, the sooner we can get it in front of real users and start iterating …
I’ve written web content for everyone from huge corporations to one-person start ups, and from small charities to central government departments. But for the last few months I’ve been writing ‘citizen-facing’ content (ie for the public, rather than policy-makers and …
...on a panel chaired by Jennifer Pahlka, founder of Code for America, with two great women; Nicole Tecco Reece from Case Commons and Jessica Lord, Code for America Fellow 2012....
In the past couple of months, we’ve been making it easier to browse the site. I’m going to cover a bit of what we’ve done to improve things and tell...
As we build up to the release of GOV.UK next week, it seems like a good moment to reflect on the big idea behind GOV.UK. As ever, it all starts with users.
I’m Neil Williams, one of the product managers for GOV.UK. I work on the Inside Government and detailed guidance areas of the site, where practically all government organisations will publish their corporate and in-depth content in future.