Same name, new ambitions
Same name, new ambitions
A new chapter begins. We unveil the name and vision for the new digital centre for government.
A new chapter begins. We unveil the name and vision for the new digital centre for government.
...most popular pages, there are three specific policies alongside two publications and one news item. There are also three topics in the top 20, which is another Inside Government innovation,...
...Assisted Digital Strategy, on the Digital By Default Standard on trailblazer transactions and the IDA team are doing user research on some wireframes. And we’re digging into the planning for...
...a similar service, which it will be rolling out across government. I need to ensure a smooth transfer of as many of our subscribers as possible to the new service,...
We’ve been monitoring the volume of traffic to GOV.UK since launch. We want to ensure that the people who used to rely on Directgov and Business Link can still find the reliable and authoritative information and services they need. As the GOV.UK dashboard …
After speaking at AgileTeaCamp, I thought I would share how people management has evolved in the GDS Delivery Team. What you get for free with agile Agile product teams are self-managing. With the users' needs in mind, the product manager defines what …
...finished products - they were the first of many iterations. We've had to learn to approach projects in a more agile way. It hasn't always been easy, but it has...
A few weeks ago I wrote a post detailing the technical side of the Government Digital Strategy. One of the things I spoke about was how we were keen to...
...full release of GOV.UK, and there’s been a lot of detailed work done to analyse visitor trends. Lana wrote a bit about our SEO performance yesterday, but there’s also been...
Imagine that you are a violin maker, and you have only a chisel and a hacksaw. With such inappropriate tools, you're going to either a) make a really shoddy violin, b) spend an age trying to get the tools to …
The search engine optimisation landscape is changing. As I have blogged previously, we are doing our best to make sure we use the same search terms as our users to make content easier to find. Now that Directgov and Business Link are …