Same name, new ambitions
Same name, new ambitions
A new chapter begins. We unveil the name and vision for the new digital centre for government.
A new chapter begins. We unveil the name and vision for the new digital centre for government.
The Government Digital Strategy says that all new or redesigned digital services will meet the Digital by Default Service Standard from April 2014. Before then, GDS is using the standard to support the Cabinet Office spending controls, to deepen knowledge of …
I've been Creative Lead on the design team at GDS for the last two years, and I'm really thrilled about my next step. On Monday I'm joining the design team at Twitter. I've been asked to write a blog post …
We announced in March that we would reform the governance of our technology provision in central government. We need a simpler, clearer model of governance based on user needs. Those users are our colleagues as well as citizens and this …
...for the job and we also allow ourselves to increase our scale of operation by having different people or teams work on something independently. The advantages and challenges of code...
On Friday (31 May) we published a new version of the Good Practice Guide (GPG) 45 – Identity Proofing and Verification of an Individual. It can be found on the Cabinet Office site together with the full set of previously …
...Force. We’ve also actually started cracking code, or writing code, on the Beta for the Carers’ Allowance transaction. We’ve also managed to hire some Agile coaches into a couple of...
...the LPA exemplar. We'll also be running workshops with our Stakeholder Reference Group on other exemplar services and will be talking to members of the Digital Advisory Board to get...
Highlights: The launch of new guides for Chief Technology Officers on the Digital Service Manual. We also published the latest quarterly update on the transaction explorer which for the first... develop assisted digital support for digital services. This will give the 18% of UK adults who are offline access to digital by default services. Assisted digital support will be...
Today we are releasing a further iteration of the Government Service Design Manual. We’ve updated this with more guidance for service managers and, for the first time, information for Chief Technology Officers on how government is rebalancing its approach to …