...practice. Today we are publishing an updated version of the PCAG’s principles for further feedback and comment. We will also arrange workshops to discuss the principles and to increase awareness...
Last week the Efficiency and Reform Group (the part of the Cabinet Office that includes GDS) announced savings figures for the last financial year. In 2012/13 we helped departments save...
...well. Mike: We have, Paul Annett, one of the first few people through the door, when we were in a little room in south London, doing the discovery for an...
We announced in March that we would reform the governance of our technology provision in central government. We need a simpler, clearer model of governance based on user needs. Those users are our colleagues as well as citizens and this …
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xjBp5EWOHM Highlights: The 1000th code release on GOV.UK - that's about seven every working day. We also created a team within HMRC to extend the way we've been working out...
Highlights: A very big week, as we marked the 24th and last of the ministerial departments moving to Inside Gov. The numbers that describe the volume of activity over the last six months are incredible - and thanks go to …
Today we launched the Government Service Design Manual. It sets out the agreed Digital by Default Service Standard, and provides tools, guidance and code to help teams across government achieve it. It meets one of our 14 commitments in the …
...Government Service Design Manual to find out what services need to do to achieve the Digital by Default Service Standard. (And feel free to feed back to us where you...
...the Hawaiian shirts in the office to mark the launch and also our colleagues from Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) welcomed us over to celebrate that. It’s been great to...
...used a lot of the services that we have created here, our design rules and our templates, and created their own intranet at a fraction of cost of the one...