...a significant difference in their organisations, for their users. They have vision and a great understanding of user-centred digital service development and agile ways of working. This is combined with...
...really stood out for me. User research, user research, user research This team did an unbelievable amount of user research. I know that those of us working in digital government...
...able to make things easier for us and colleagues across government in a number of situations. I’ve helped the teams find new ways to tackle old problems. Helping them speak...
...to achieve cannot be done without it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNvmjHFEV4k&feature=youtu.be During the day, I took the opportunity to set out my initial views on what GDS is here to do and how...
Back in January, the Australian government said it would be setting up a new Digital Transformation Office. That was great news. We were happy to welcome Australia to our international community of governments