Quarterly missions: a new way of working

...stable state, in a responsible way. Product managers share what it’s like to manage and change scope to deliver in a fixed timeframe. Luke Malcher, Product Manager, GOV.UK Benchmarking When...
...stable state, in a responsible way. Product managers share what it’s like to manage and change scope to deliver in a fixed timeframe. Luke Malcher, Product Manager, GOV.UK Benchmarking When...
The Digital by Default Service Standard comes into full force in April this year. We’ve been running assessments for a while now, and as with the services we assess, we’re also looking to continuously improve the assessment process itself with …
The Digital by Default Service Standard has been running as a beta for almost a year now, but formally comes into force in April. Now that we’ve run over 40 assessments, we thought it was time to summarise what we’ve …
Last week we held our first 'market engagement' event for suppliers interested in providing assisted digital support for government services. It was really popular - so much so that we had to open another session so everyone who wanted to could …
Today we published the Government Approach to Assisted Digital as part of the Government Digital Strategy. Assisted Digital provision is the help and support we will provide so people who can’t use digital services independently can access digital by default …
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