...procurement help with, get in touch with the team: dsf-support@digital.cabinet-office.gov.uk. The earlier you get in touch, the more help and guidance we can offer you. Meanwhile, leave feedback on the...
For almost a year I’ve been part of a small team helping to create a new way for government to work with companies that design and build digital services. The result is the first iteration of the Digital Services framework, …
...to develop assisted digital support for digital services. This will give the 18% of UK adults who are offline access to digital by default services. Assisted digital support will be...
A year ago today we launched the first G-Cloud framework and started the journey to provide a new way for the public sector to commission and buy technology-based services. And what a journey it’s been.
I've just completed a lightning tour of four UK cities. I've been speaking, and more importantly listening, to some of the leading small and medium-sized (SME) business technology companies in the UK.