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Neil Williams - former Head of GOV.UK, Government Digital Service

INSIDE GOVERNMENT - how busy the busy bees have been

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Since we released INSIDE GOVERNMENT, 2 weeks ago, we’re already iterating and have made a number of changes. We’ve had tons of useful feedback and we’re making incremental improvements in response, as well as continuing to develop the software and …

Government policy - a spotter’s guide

Later this month we will unveil another bit of our GOV.UK beta - the element that explains the work and workings of government. This is intended to replace the many separate sites run by government organisations, simplifying things for people …

The vision for government corporate websites in the Single Domain (with product wireframes)

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This is the third in a series of posts sharing progress on how we are tackling objective two of the single domain 'beta' project: specifically the creation and test of a unified publishing platform capable of replacing many of the websites which …