This week at GDS
...recruitment. One of the big things this week, the big milestones, is getting the recruitment hub working to bring new digital talent into government. We’re recruiting all over the place,...
...recruitment. One of the big things this week, the big milestones, is getting the recruitment hub working to bring new digital talent into government. We’re recruiting all over the place,...
Today we’re publishing our second quarterly progress report on the commitments made in the Government Digital Strategy. Transforming government services In 2011 the first challenge we faced was the...
...saw a six-fold increase in our Egyptian content, and content about Egypt on GOV.UK, our travel advice service as well, so that was useful to see that people are using... might be dealing with an elderly relative, so to make it a simpler and clearer, faster digital service is a great achievement. We also attended Civil Service Live and...
...well, Saudi Arabia, we met them. The good news is they’re all looking at us and what we’re doing. So we’re very much seen to be leading. I guess the...
...year we published the first draft of the PCAG’s principles. The principles set out, in detail, how the government’s identity assurance (IDA) approach could be configured to meet the privacy...
...want. A critical update was Search, obviously making the changes to Search is fundamental; we did that last week. Mark Hurrell, David Heath, Tara Stockford – there's been a team... Highlights: Savings of £10bn were announced by the Efficiency and Reform Group this week - the part of the Cabinet Office in which GDS sits. Technology and GOV.UK have...
...saw the launch of the Digital Skills Alliance, led by Martha Lane Fox at the Go ON UK Trust. Next week we've got our regular digital leaders' meeting on Wednesday...
Highlights: A very big week, as we marked the 24th and last of the ministerial departments moving to Inside Gov. The numbers that describe the volume of activity over the last six months are incredible - and thanks go to …
We are the digital centre of government. We serve the public, central government departments and the wider public sector.
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