Digital engagement
...Beeman and @GlynWintle talking about @Linkedgov • @StevenRWilkes from the Home Office, talking about the digital engagement strand of the government ICT strategy Next teacamps are: 6 October, 3 November,...
One of the Digital Engagement team’s responsibilities is the ‘Connecting People’ program. This looks to improve internal engagement within the Civil Service by providing a series of digital tools to all users of the Government Secure Intranet. The CivilMedia Suite …
...I work on two areas to embed these tools to support public services. One of these is to improve internal engagement and collaboration within the Civil Service so that we...
We discuss what government should do to consult, engage and involve people more openly in the work it does, online.
...Martha Lane Fox’s report Directgov 2010 and Beyond: Revolution Not Evolution , his role in finding efficiency savings in the public sector’s use of technology and the future for digital...
Welcome to the new blog platform for the reconstituted and repurposed Transparency and Digital Engagement team. As with the old Digital Engagement blog the team will be using this to...