GDS goes to Cabinet and the OGP summit the Queen Elizabeth Centre was bringing together governments from around the world who have basically signed up to be more transparent and more open, more responsive, and basically empower... the Queen Elizabeth Centre was bringing together governments from around the world who have basically signed up to be more transparent and more open, more responsive, and basically empower... Chris Ferguson. We’ve got colleagues there from Australia, Canada, Denmark, Japan, New Zealand, Sweden, Australia. A whole heap of people coming. They’re discussing progress on the identity assurance programme...
...week. Mike: Yes, this week we have Khadeja (Al Harbi), who’s joining the Digital Inclusion team, which is growing nicely as that work spins up into life. Interviewer: Terrific. Until...
Mike Beaven talks the report Smaller, Better, Faster, Stronger: Remaking government for the digital age, an upcoming Digital Advisory Board meeting, Thursday's Open Standards event, and more. how it moves from recent issues in Turkey to Egypt and Syria and so on, so please do read the blog and have a look because it's really interesting....
...policy-making, and how you can use digital tools to help with that; particularly social media. They had a good look round the office and spoke to many people, particularly in...
...the years. So Jordan Hatch, who’s featured prominently in the press this week, he was there along with Linda (Humphries) and Mark - Mark O’Neil did some of the judging...
...Scotland tomorrow to Student Loans, so he’s had a brief site of Aviation House before he's been sent out to the frontline. Interviewer: Is there anything else that the team...
...week or so. On the visits front we welcomed Bryan Sivak over from Washington in the US. Bryan is the CTO (Chief Technology Officer) for their Department of Health and...
Mike Beaven talks about the Sprint Alpha conference where we welcomed the Minister for the Cabinet Office Francis Maude, the Head of the Civil Service, Sir Bob Kerslake, and Permanent...