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Chantal Donaldson-Foyer

Head of Product, Global Digital Marketplace Programme

The Global Digital Marketplace Programme: Moving into alpha

People are looking at sticky notes on a wall that contain notes.

GDS currently works with five partner countries across the world to help them design out corruption through user-centred approaches to procurement. This blog showcases the work from the initial alpha workshops and what’s next for the programme.

Engaging UK suppliers in the Global Digital Marketplace Programme alpha phase

A group of 7 people standing, facing the camera

...research, service design and agile working skills and experience. We’ll also look to bring a user-centred approach to procurement practice by working with users to design new routes to market...

The Global Digital Marketplace: multi-supplier delivery and what we’ve learned so far

Posted by: and , Posted on: - Categories: Global Digital Marketplace, Ways of working
6 people sitting around a table and talking, the table is covered with post-it notes

...approach it as an experiment to see if we can make multi-supplier delivery work. Our findings so far Here’s what we’ve found so far: 1. It can be done! So...