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  1. Comment by bouhedli posted on

    it is good post thanks

  2. Comment by steve sanger posted on

    I hope when detailing where the money goes that you clearly show both salaries and expenses claimed.

  3. Comment by Wibisono Sastrodiwiryo posted on

  4. Comment by John posted on

    Hello! There is no old content from your blog anymore. What happen with it? There was a lot of useful info. Please, back them online.
    For example, here was an article: but seems it is deleted.

  5. Comment by blog posted on

    well when i pressed blog on the index page of it showed blank page..why is it so ?

    • Replies to blog>

      Comment by admin posted on

      Thank you for pointing this out. We'll investigate as soon as possible

      Digital Engagement Team
      Cabinet Office

  6. Comment by Tweets that mention Minister for the Cabinet Office, Francis Maude, addresses Europe’s first international open government data camp « Transparency & Digital Engagement blog -- posted on

    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by UK Open Public Data, UK Transparency. UK Transparency said: Minister addresses #openuk. Blog post on new CO Trans and Dig Eng blog [...]