This week at GDS how it moves from recent issues in Turkey to Egypt and Syria and so on, so please do read the blog and have a look because it's really interesting.... how it moves from recent issues in Turkey to Egypt and Syria and so on, so please do read the blog and have a look because it's really interesting....
Highlights: The launch of new guides for Chief Technology Officers on the Digital Service Manual. We also published the latest quarterly update on the transaction explorer which for the first...
Highlights - this week marks 6 months of GOV.UK, with some great statistics including 187 million visits to the site and 546 million page views since launch. We were really pleased this week to be chosen by the Design Museum …
...actually, from eating chocolate Easter eggs so he's taken the week off this week to recover from that. But actually we have been doing quite a bit. So today we...
...Ireland have all come in and talked to us. Particularly big thanks to the Swedish Government. They took time to present at our Show and Tell. Every week, we have...