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If you found it through GOV.UK, it’s OK

If you found it through GOV.UK, it’s OK

GOV.UK is the best place to find government services and information online. The best way to get there is to type into your browser.

If you found the service you’re looking for through GOV.UK, it’s reliable and priced correctly.

GOV.UK is a work in progress. Some of the pages you click through to might look a little different to the first GOV.UK page you land on. We’re working on giving them a consistent look.

Remember: even if they have slightly different colour schemes and layouts, behind the scenes the pages you reach through GOV.UK are all legitimate.

This is not necessarily the case for sites you reach through online ads or a general search through a search engine like Google or Bing. You may end up paying more for the service than you need to, or end up paying for something that doesn’t arrive. You might also be giving your personal details to an untrustworthy source.

There is no need to do this.

The government doesn’t outsource its online services. If, for example, you’re renewing your passport or getting your European Health Insurance Card and you are concerned about the site, go to GOV.UK and type the service you need in the search box. The search results will contain the service you need, and it will be available for free or at the correct price. Even if the layout is slightly different to the landing page.

If you found it through GOV.UK, it’s OK.

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  1. Comment by John D Murray posted on

    I need to change bank details to get my pension paid here in Australia.
    However, trying all the online links always come to a dead stop, Windows can`t find address I need to know the address to update my bank changes.

    John Murray.

  2. Comment by Mike posted on

    "The government doesn’t outsource its online services." Apart from if you're applying for a UK visa....or paying your tax bill.

    • Replies to Mike>

      Comment by Henry posted on

      UK Visa is required only for applicants outside of UK. It is safe to say that such services are catered largely for UK non-taxpayer.
      Paying a bill (tax bill) via online is a choice for the consumer out of many options, such as going to the post office, paying by cheque, via bank, direct debit, giro etc